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Superdial. O-bi mutaciaqo

25-to padmad video

o Olivèri- Aj to sastipe! Tumaro sastipe Rroma!len, Rromnǎ!len, savorra!len, save kidisàjlen amençar and-e Mandisqo biav. Baxtalo o dives so ande amenqe o Tarzan aj i Matilda pumare uźe kamimaça. Śel berś te ʒiven sol duj and-i harmonìa. Kaj te ʒan kaj te phiren sa laćhipe te dikhen te śunen.
sa- Te śunel tut o Devel, phral!a!
o Olivèri- Tu, Tarzan, si but berś so pinʒarav tut, śaj deś deśuduj berś. Na sinan sas savaxt jekh modèli, vi bilonde dilimàta kerdǎn, bengalo rat isi tumen o Gaboreśti, ama ʒanav tut godǎver ćhavo, odolenθar save pinʒaren kaj si o drom kaj si o kanre. Akana arakhlǎn o laćho drom, si tut rromni sumnakuni, gasavi sar but manuśa ni and-o suno na dikhle suno śaj phenav, pànda nabut aj agordes ti śkòla, buti laćhi tordǒver ka ovel tut aj pakǎl mo ilo so tumen ka vazden duj ʒene te rromnǎça e Matildaça jekh laćhi zorali rromani familìa, savi ka ulavel dives pal-o dives o manro, o lon aj o kamipe – thaj vi bakrano mas peko kana ka kamel o Devel...
sa- asan
o Olivèri- Aj tu ćhaj Matildo, ʒanav so sine to suno te les e Tarzanes rromesqe. Akana areslǎn. O suno realisàjlo ama nane akava o agor – si o śird. Ka ulaves leça sa e kheresqe grìźe berś pal-o berś, sa o daikane dukha aj dara aj xolǎ, śaj vi asia, vaś-o ćhave – ka des amen laćhe ćhaven ćhien, na??? Terni sinan ama zorali, thaj vi o ćhavo si zoralo, amen nane te mukhas tumen and-o pharipe. Ʒi akana sine tut jekh familìa, akana si tut duj familìe pala tuθe. To sastro, o Màndi, si pharo Rrom, xarano, but dikhlǎs, si te del tut vast ćaće-ileça, aj vi ti sasuj, i Silvàna, si rromni sar nanaj but p-i phuv. Pakǎ man – aj ma xolanǒ mi phen, si te ovel daj vi oj sar si ti daj, savi kerdǎs to śero. Haj Rroma!len vazden rromano sastipe savorre. Palikerav tumen, save avilen dural te lośaven amençar. Mangav e Devlesθar te nakhen śukar akala divesa aj te ʒan palpalem saste veste khere!
sa- Te śunel tut o Devel phral!a!

Today's topic 1 >>

Spoken communication – as here in Oliver's speech, conveys a series of elements, like intonation, body movements, look in one's eyes etc. which miss in written texts and deprive them of a part of their expressiveness. Various languages have worked out solutions to compensate this shortage. For example Spanish and Rromani use the upside-down question mark (see padmad 3, topic 2). Another useful remedy used when calling persons or animals (or other items in poetry) is the insertion of an exclamation mark between the noun of the called person or animal and the vocative particle, which is as a rule
- a (or emphatic ana) for the sing. masculine, put after the A-ćham or the B-ćham of nouns ending in consonant but only after the B-ćham (without s) of the nouns ending in stressed -o;
- e (or ene) for the sing. feminine, put after the A-ćham of the noun;
and len (or le) for the plural of both genders after.
and takes place after the A-ćham or the B-ćham of the noun as exemplified below:


sing. masculine

sing. feminine


rrom!a, amal!a, phral!a

rromni!e(ne), ćhaj!e(ne), kirvi!e(ne), bibi!e(ene), bori!e(ne)

Rroma!len, buta!len, ćhava!len, ćhia!len, kirva!len, kirvǎ!len


rrome!a(na), amale!a(na), dade!a(na)

ćhave!a(na), kirve!a(na)

Due to the highly expressive and emotional character of this construction, many odd forms may be encountered in practice, like dal!e, dal!ke, daj!o, bibi!o etc...
When an adjective accompanies the noun, both are left in the plain A-ćham or the adjective is postponed to the noun for emphatic purpose and then both take the vocative ending as exemplified below:
-Mo dad! -Mo ćhavo! -Me laćhe manuśa!
-Dade!a mirre!ana! -Ćhave!a mirre!a! -Manuś!len mirra!len laćha!len!
Savorra!len all of you, buta!len you many people are common forms.

Today's topic 2 >>

Table of the tens:











Numbers from 10 up to 99 are constructed the following way: «tens+u+units» (for example: deś-u-panʒ, biś-u-trin, eniavardeś-u-enia etc. – the hyphen is optional in writing). One may encounter locally (Balkan area) Greek numbers like penìnda or pèjnda for 50, eksìnda for 60 and dekapènda for 15. The link -u- is often dropped before oxto.

GR more details about local forms >>

Numbers above 100 are constructed the following way: first the number of millions, then the number of thousands, the number of hundreds and finally the last two digits express tens and units.
The use of ta is optional between hundreds and tens: biśupanʒ xìliade oxto śel [ta] śovardeśutrin rupune (25.863 €).