nom d'accès
mot de passe
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Superdial. O mutaciaça

9-to padmad video

e lala- Laćhes, tu Mara, tut hi so te des len. Taj pal-o avera, ¿ʒanes variso? ¿Tǐri dej, avel tǐri dej?
e Tamàra- ¿¿Voj, k-o biav te na avel?? Morri dej merel biavenqe, e angluni hi voj te avel... Sar pućhes?
e lala- Pućhav. O pàpu aba but phuro-j taj nasvalo-j, na ʒanav sar śaj mukhel les... Maj anglal, sine has maj terno, vov na mukhèlas biav bixalo, phirèlas kilomètri te aresel othe, sikavèlas amenqe e rovlǐ taj phenèlas: ake morro vurdon, na pinʒarel so hi avarìa... Taj k-o than, khelèlas sar ternexar, ćaćes but bengalo has morro dad...
e Tamàra- Vi akanak bengalo-j! Ami tǐri pheń, ¿naj bengalǐ vi voj? Phendǎs manqe o pàpu so kerèlas kana cinni has...
e lala- Ee – ʒanav! Duj ćhave duj ćheja has les, e ćhej e cinni maj baro beng sar o duj ćhave... Ʒanav, śelvar śundǒm adi gilǐ... No, miśto-j, so kinel voj e ternenqe
e Tamàra- Phendǎs so kamel te kinel sastri.
e lala- ¿Sastri? ¿Savo sastri? ¿Te keren pètala e grastesqe? ¿Vaj e xeresqe?
e Tamàra- Na, na ker tut dilǐ! Bengalǐ hànas vi tu, taj bengalǐ aćhilǎn... Sastri gadenqe, mori lala, te den sastri o gada! Kamel te kinel lenqe sa e centràla: o sastri, e bàza so tatǎrel o pai taj kerel vras, taj e phal.
e lala- Hi denipo e borǎqe, na e duje ternenqe.
e Tamàra- Na, na, hi maj feder denipo e ʒamutresqe: jekh e bori na biral kadi butǐ, duj vov merel te del sastri taj plus merel te iklǒl urado sar top-modèli, laćhardo krèsto!!! Sar o pàpu ʒi akanak...

Today's topic 1 >>

verb > imperfect

Click here to highlight the continuous past >>

As you may highlight with a click here ❏ the continuous past: it is made with the particle -as added after the verb: phirel s/he walks, is walking > phirèlas s/he was walking, used to walk. The same is valid with the copula hom I am > hòmas I was – except at the third person: hi s/he is > has s/he was. This is the basic pattern which is valid in the three other dialects, whereas in O-mu, some evolutions occurred as mentioned in padmadǎ 2 and 6, namely àva is pronounced long [ō] and èsa is pronounced [èhe]. In addition the e of the ending of other persons may be dropped and the stem of the verb itself is then stressed:

traditional spelling

obselete pronounciation

modern pronounciation

alternative spelling

















Today's topic 2 >>

The particle (postposition) denoting the beneficiary -qe

Click here to highlight >>

Padmad 8 provided you with both the A- and B-ćham of the personal pronouns (me, tu... & man, tut...). On the other hand, you have noticed in the previous padmadǎ expressions of beneficiary involving personal pronouns. Let us refresh our memory with the following table:



cf. padmad

cf. padmad


manqe for me

Nr. 2, 4, 5 & 8

amenqe for us

Nr. 7


tuqe for you

Nr. 4, 5 & 6

for you guys

not met so far


lesqe for him

Nr. 6 & 8

lenqe for them

Nr. 7


laqe for her

Nr. 2 & 8

You may infer immediately from this table that the particle added to the B-ćham of the pronoun indicates it represents the beneficiary of the action expressed by the verb and that accordingly the form meaning for youguys is tumenqe.
Languages express the relationship between the beneficiary of an action and the verb meaning this action in various ways: by means of a preposition (like English for Indira), a postposition (like Hindi Indira ko/kelie, Turkish Indira için or Hungarian Indiranak), an inflection (like Polish Indirze – beside the combination dla Indiry) or even different more exotic ways.
The Rromani solution is the postposition -qe added to the B-ćham of the noun: e Indiraqe and it applies to all nouns, be they animate: e ʒuklesqe, e manuśesqe (sing.), e manuśenqe (plural) or inanimate: e xosnesqe, e lovenqe.

GR Click here to see the tables and the different accidents of pronunciation occuring in the various Rromani vernaculars >>.

More >>

By the way you have probably noticed that the B-ćham of the article is e for all categories. As a result, the whole table of the article is as follows:

singular masc.

singular fem.

plural both genders







