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Superdial. O-bi mutaciaqo

23-to padmad video

i Bibi- ¿Xaćardǎn tut nasul eratǐ kana paślilǎn?
i Tamàra- Na, but śukar.
i Bibi- ¿Daràndilǎn?
i Tamàra- Te phenav tuqe putardes, vi daràndilǒm, na kamav te kerav tumenqe mizèrie. Uśtilǒm, pilǒm drab śeresqe, na kerdǎs manqe khanći. Beślǒm jekh òra bulǎqo, zumavdǒm te drabavav ʒi k-o trin, trin ta jekh paś, te xoxavav mi godi, paślilǒm palem – jekhvar dumesqo, jekhvar perresqo, kaj te avel i lìndra??
i Bibi- ¿Dikhlǎrdǎn to jizdipen e ratesqo and-o palutno vaxt? ¿Ma te ovel opre?
i Tamàra- Na sinom phuri me te perav pal-o analìze aj o jatre, ʒi akana na nasvalilǒm. Loli phabaj, sar o pàpu – a 60 berś terneder.
i Bibi- Palem na xal manro te dikhlǎres tut. Ʒanes so phenen o phure: "loli phabaj aj o kirmo andre". Vi me pakǎv so sinan loli phabaj, bi kirmesqo... dur tuθar, dur amenθar. Te xal te piel k-o duśmànǎ. Si tut insurànca, ʒa jekh dives – śaj vi akate te kamlǎn, dav tut jekhe jatresqi adrèsa ja lav tuqe rendez-vous.
i Tamàra- Nane bilaćhi idèa. Si man me insurancaqi kàrta, śaj te ʒav. Sadaj pal-o biav. Na kamav te śunav akana analìze, jatre, draba, spitàla – tangǎren mo ilo akala butǎ...
i Bibi- Ćaćipen si tut, buter phurǎren tut desar ternǎren tut... A palem bi lenqo naśti. Dopaś ʒanel i medicìna, dopaś na ʒanel, ama odothe kaj ʒanel, sastǎrdǎs bute manuśen...
i Tamàra- Aj k-o aver dopaś, o manuśa pakǎn anda laθe sar and-i magìa aj vi akava lokǎrel len. Zuralo si o placebo...
i Bibi- Mukh te kerav tuqe jekh ćàjo salviaqo, jale nenaça andre – isi man, ta tu ʒa te paślǒs palem jekh òra duj, te dinglǒs aj te aves palem te xodesθe.
i Tamàra- Nakhel manqe, nakhel. Ma xa xoli... Pakǎv so si e forosθar, manqe but phares and-o foro, naśti beśav, naśti lav ogi, si but thuvǎ, o nem si melalo, kon ʒanel so i balval vazdel e phuvǎθar – tasavel tut.

Today's topic 1 >>

Causative verbs in -av- with A-class verbs
Rromani has two ways of building up verbs expressing the induction of an action or a quality (making smd/smth do smth or become such and such), namely the so-called causative verbal suffix -av-, mainly (but not only) related to the A-class verbs, and -ǎkǎr- (or -ǎr-), usually limited to the E-class verbs and the adjectival stems.
The -av- suffix allows to coin active verbs on the basis of A-class verbs:
daral > daravel to frighten, to scare > verbal pivot daravdo frightened, scared which leads to the formation of the active basic past and all tenses of the passive-reflexive voice.

daral >

active voice


pass-refl. voice

present tense

darav + Ēl

darav + d + ǒv + Ēl

darav + d -o, -i, -e

basic past tense

darav + d + Ās

darav + d + il + Ās*

The suffix -av- may be encoutered, albeit rarely, with E-class verbs, like for example phirel to go, to walk > phiravel to lead on a stroll; to carry, to wear (cloth) – also locally to open; perel to fall > peravel to flip, to drop, to knock down.

Today's topic 2 >>

Causative verbs in -ǎkǎr- (or -ǎr-) with E-class verbs and adjectives
A similar causative may be built on the basis of
The -ǎkǎr-/-ǎr- suffix allows to coin active verbs on the basis of E-class verbs and of adjectives. Such forms have already been encountered in padmadǎ 11 and 18 (ćhućhǎren and ćhućhǎras < ćhućhǎrel < ćhućho) and 15 (xarnǎkǎrdǒm – past tense xarnǎkǎrel < xarno) and may be represented in the following table:






















with regular verbal pivots ćhućhǎrdo and xarnǎkǎrdo which allow themselves the construction of the active basic past tense as well as a passive-reflexive voice.
As a result we have in parallel the simple passive-reflexive (ćhućhǒl/xarnǒl it is getting empty/shorter) and the passive-reflexive of the causative (ćhućhǎrdǒl/xarnǎrkǎrdǒl it is being made empty/shorter).

causative suffix

A-class verbs

E-class verbs








see GR




The verb meaning to learn is developped from the adjectif siklo learnt, while in parallel an active verb is coined from it with -ǎr-: siklǎrel to teach, giving the verbal pivot siklǎrdo tought and all subsequent derivative tenses and voices (see complete table in GR).
The suffix -ǎkǎr- may be encoutered, albeit seldom, with A-class verbs, like for example laʒal to be ashamed > laʒǎkǎrel to shame, to disgrace.
Usually causatives coined directly on verbs convey the correspondant meaning (as rovel to cry > rovǎrel, rovlǎrel to make smb cry or sovel to sleep > sovǎrel, sovlǎrel to make smb cry) but when the causative is coined on the verbal pivot, there is as a rule a change in meaning:
dikhel to see > dikhlǎrel to examine, scrutinize; pućhel to ask > pućhlǎrel (pes) to wonder; pherel to fill > pherdǎrel to fulfil; kerel to do > kerdǎrel to [give an] order, cf. also ćhinel to cut > ćhinǎrel to cut into pieces, to mince and ćhinavel to decide and baśel to make noise, to bark etc. > baśavel to play an instrument.

Today's topic 3 >>

Click to highlight what we call a dead postposition >>

namely a postposition which is used only with a very small number of nouns (here -qo, used in this padmad with a few names related to the body and indicating a position: bulǎqo in sitting position (not offensive), perresqo lying on the belly, dumesqo lying on the back; also punrenqo in standing position. More uses will be disclosed further.

Idioms and proverbs >>

Idioms and proverbs : dur tuθar, dur amenθar, dur e kheresθar, dur e ćhavenθar are formulæ of exorcism used when a danger (including the devil – o Beng) has been mentionned, especially at night (in the present case o kirmo – which reminds of e Devlesqo kirmo a euphemism expressing one's submission to the divine will).
Further formulæ are te xal te piel k-o duśmànǎ or k-o barr k-o kaśt etc...