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Superdial. O-bi mutaciaqo

34-to padmad video

i Tamàra- Sar phenes beśindoj, asandoj, vakerindoj dives pal-o dives, ka kamlǒl śel berś te areses ʒi odothe - ʒikaj sarkon dives kerdǒla bangipen...
o Olivèri- Śel berś, na pakǎv. Dikhlǎn sar paruvdili anda 10-15 berś i Evròpa pal-i nikotìna aj o tabàko. Na pakǎv te ovel i xoli mamuj-o Rroma zoraleder e nikotinaθar and-o buko... Ama sine jekh zoralo mangipen katar-e politikaqi rig thaj areslilo...
i Tamàra- Śaj te ovel tut ćaćipen. Oh, mulǒm me dumesθar.
o Olivèri- Le o śerand so si palal, ćhiv le pala te dumesθe.
i Tamàra- Ah, uć nanaj sosqe. Pànda deś minùte thaj aresas. Te ćhivav sas les kana lilǎm drom, va, ama akana...
o Olivèri- Kamlǒla pe hem and-i śkòla te ovel informàcia ćaćutni, na purane tatǎrde bilonde stereotìpǎ pal-o Egìpto, o Panʒab aj o karavàne. Ama kamlǒla pes o terne te keren xarane padmadǎ kaj te pheren e gaʒenqi godi. Nane but phares, o raja xalǒven i logìka – ama kana na kerdǒla khanć, si absolut bi-śa-jut-no!!!
i Tamàra- Khanć na kerdǒla? Sar te pheras e gaʒenqi godi??? ¿Aj kasqi – e bare rajenqi?
o Olivèri- Angleder o terne te siklǒn i Història, pumenqe te siklǒn – sar and-o R.E.D.-RROM, te dikhen o fìlmǎ aj te śunen o pherde versìe, so drabaren Rroma-aktòrǎ and-o audio – sa si duślǎrdo. Te pinʒaren śukar vi amari literatùra aj kultùra, amare tradìcie – i etnologìa. Thaj o muzìke amare. Pal-odova te keren tikne referàtǎ ja ekspozìcie odothe kaj si, and-i śkòla misalǎqe. Te keren vi klìpǎ hem seriozo taj hem humoreça and-o Youtube – te keren o buzz p-o twitter thaj avera. Te keren gilǎ save mothoven so sinam averençar barabara, vi sar manuśa, vi sar kultùra – i ćaćutni rromani kultùra, na odoja e operetaqi... Te laćhǎren so si pal-amenθe and-i Wikipedia... I laćhi buti śìrdel khere...
i Tamàra- But laćhi idèa... ¿Na keren?
o Olivèri- Keren pherǎs bilonde cicajençar aj raklençar save peren bulǎqo, ama pe bibaxt kana phenav lenqe te keren zorale malade pherǎsa kaj te sikaven so o rasìsmo aj o anticiganìsmo si debìlo, phenen: "Kobor pokines man...?". Akaja godi mudarel amen buter desar o rasìstǎ.

Today's topic 1 >>

Performing an action while doing another action (while waiting, while sitting, while laughing etc..) may be expressed in Rromani by means of the invariable -ndoj ending added to the secondary verb of the clause, while the main verb remains with its regular ending:
mothovel asandoj sa e Severđanesqe pherǎsa; durile roindoj e thabarde gavesθar
– where mothovel and durile are the primary verbs and asandoj and roindoj the secondary ones).
More details in GR and exercices on ZU.

Today's topic 2 >>

Link words so, te and the expression of supposed conditions (conditional).
Padmad 17 introduced the structure of the Rromani verbal tenses, which are divided into two groups: [con]statative tenses (yellow background) and projective tenses (blue background), as below:


basic past



previous past (present+sas)


continuous past (basic past+sas)

Both link words so and te may be used with both set of tenses but the message conveyed is radically different (we disregard here the interrogative so in both direct interrogations: So kames? So kamlǎn? So kames sas? So kamlǎn sas? And indirect interrogations: Na ʒanav so kames. Na ʒanav so kamlǎn. Na ʒanav so kames sas. Na ʒanav so kamlǎn sas? – which is an interrogative pronoun not a link word).
The link word so with verbs in constatative (yellow) tenses is used after verbs (or phrases) of perception or utterances and it introduces the statement of the second part of the sentence: dikhav so to phral zabadisàjlo I can see your brother is late, śundǎm so akava raklo na ʒanel sas te baśavel we could hear that this guy cannot play (the instrument), avilo laqe k-i godi so o manuś athardǎs sas la she got the feeling that the man had cheated her.
The link word so with verbs in projective (blue) tenses: this is very rare, since in such a case we don't have generally to do with the link word so, but with the interrogative so: pućh les so te keras ask him what we [should] do. The rare cases of projective contruction with the link word so are ambiguous: ma phen e averenqe so śaj te tràdes Don't tell the others that you can drive or Don't tell the others what you can drive.
The link word te with verbs in constatative (yellow) tenses allows to construct the various shades of supposed actions (conditional):

tense used with te

Example of te-clause

Example of major clause


te kames

kinas neve skaminda


basic past

te kamlǎn

kinas neve skaminda

hypothetic proposal

continuous past

te kames sas

kinas sas neve skaminda

lost opportunity (too late)

previous past

te kamlǎn sas

- " -


In practice, the shades of meaning vary slightly from one area to another, often under the influence of the way the local majority language expresses these shades.
The dialectical and more formal link word sùrte if, in the case that (< suro case) is always constructed with constatative tenses: E Ganganadǎqo ćhavo, sùrte merel prdal-e derǎvaqe kale phunda, kerdǒl biuźo aj lesqo ogi xasarel sarsavi elpin te biandǒl palem.
The link word te with verbs in projective (blue) tenses is used after a verb of wish, order, will, possibility or interdiction and it allows the formation of the projective expressions themselves (often translated in English by an infinitive): mangav te prandindǒvav laça I want to marry her [that I marry her], o Himmler kerdǎrdǎs te mudardǒn o Rroma Himmler ordered to kill the Rroms, merav te xav tire vastenθar I yearn to eat food cooked by you [from your hands], śaj te aves tasiàra manθe? Can you come tomorrow to my place ? i thami rokhel te les and-i buti avrutnen bi lilenqo the Law forbids to employ undocumented foreigners.
Switch to ZU and try to work on the conditional clauses of padmadǎ 33, 34 and 35, as explained in the exercice.
This situation may be summarized as follows:

with so

with te

constatative tenses

verbs of perception or utterance;
statements expressed by the dependant clause

verious shades of supposed action

projective tenses

(rare, ambiguous)

verbs of wish, will, order,
possibility or interdiction